Entrance to Beaufort NC
Entrance to Beaufort NC
Shrimp boil
Shrimp boil
As the sun goes down 
on the anchorage
As the sun goes down
on the anchorage

At the day long cruising seminar
At the day long cruising seminar
Prepared for every eventuality!
Prepared for every eventuality!
Where there's a will...
(Why Knot Go Slow)
Where there's a will...
(Why Knot Go Slow)
NC Shrimper
NC Shrimper
At anchor in Steamboat Creek
At anchor in Steamboat Creek
Lunch in Bath, NC
Lunch in Bath, NC
Arggghhhh - the rum distillery
Arggghhhh - the rum distillery
Checking out a historic site.
Checking out a historic site.
Lots of selfies
Lots of selfies